Tuesday 31 January 2012

Buy Latisse UK

Latisse is a revolutionary medication that boosts eyelash growth.It is applied to the base of the eyelashes like a liquid eyeliner and causes the eyelashes to grow 25% longer, 106% thicker and 18% darker. Mylash offers a service to buy Latisse in the UK.

The service starts with a medical questionnaire which takes about 5 minutes to complete. A British doctor then reviews everything to ensure that you are eligible for treatment. The most common cause of rejection is serious eye problems or pregnancy. The prescription only medication is delivered from a UK pharmacy to your door.

Mylash only uses genuine products from Allergan and does not use generics. The Mylash service has existed since 2008 and is run by a group of British medical doctors. Mylash has featured in Grazia magazine, Company magazine and many more publications. The January edition of Elle magazine featured Mylash as beauty product of the month.

For more information or to buy Latisse UK visit www.mylash.org